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Road Construction and Grading

Subdivision Development  

C&M constructed its first subdivision project in 1989 and this work has been the mainstay of our business ever since.  Sub-division development includes road work, utility construction (water, sewer), earthmoving, grading, drainage, lake excavation, etc. This is done using all C&M employed staff (except curb and sod), operating by use of it's own equipment and doing all construction stake out and record drawings in house as well.

Golf Course Construction

C&M has all the necessary resources and equipment for any type of site development, including golf courses. C&M was the prime contractor for the Oaks Golf Course, the prime contractor for Pelican Point Golf course, and has worked on drainage improvements at the TPC Prestancia course in Sarasota .

Design/Build Projects

Innovation is ever present in the minds of the leaders of C&M Road Builders Inc. C&M has experience in site design in addition to  building the project. The Whitfield Park of Commerce, located just west of the intersection of US 301 and Whitfield was a C&M design/build project. C&M designed the layout of the various lots, roads, and underground utilities as well as the stormwater retention pond. Hideaway Storage erected one of their largest facilities there and is anchoring the park, providing a showcase to the design - build capabilities of C&M.

Public Works projects

C&M has completed contracts for Sarasota County and Manatee County . These projects range from road work, utility work, intersection improvements and park construction. Some of these projects include the renovation of Philippi Estate Park , with parking lot, sewer, water and storm drain improvements, the Van Wezel Civic Center Improvements, in which C&M handled new drainage, paving, landscaping, lighting, and irrigation and the Venice Well Field Soccer Complex with complete construction of six soccer fields. A notable road project was the Cattlemen Road Phase I reconstruction. C&M built 1.2 miles of road and reconstructed the intersection of Cattlemen Road and Bahia Vista St. C&M has also performed both major and minor drainage improvements on a contract and on an emergency basis. C&M has provided site improvements for the Janie Poe Public Housing Unit Phase 1.

Commercial Site Development

Commercial Site development is another segment of the construction industry served by C & M. This site work consists of clearing, earthwork, drainage, sewer and water, parking lot, and road construction.  A notable project is the Sarasota Branch of the Caterpillar Dealer, Ring Power Corporation. The project was also done entirely with Global Positioning Satellites for machine stability and grading accuracy. The use of GPS eliminated delays due to lost stakes, a problem on all busy commercial sites. In addition, C&M employs few subcontractors, streamlining coordination and avoiding delays.

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